10 Biggest Lies In Wrestling
9. Wrestling Is Family Entertainment
WWE, and wrestling as a whole, may have cleaned up their act a bit over the past decade, but there’s really no erasing the past; try as they might. The company has had an incredibly sketchy history, one that was nearly dismantled by the United States Government in the early '90s, and one that was built off the bodies of the men and women who competed for them.
As most fans are fully aware, there have been an incredibly disturbing number of early deaths in the wrestling industry. That alone should make it a not-so family friendly product. Now to put things into perspective, the American media is increasingly concerned about the health of NFL competitors. And that is completely understandable, as the players put themselves through a tremendous amount of abuse over their careers. But they have nothing on wrestlers, which the media has largely turned a blind eye to over the years (give or take a Chris Benoit or Owen Hart).
The San Francisco 49ers were the 1990 Super Bowl Champions. Out of the 45 players on the team that year, one has since passed away. WrestleMania VI was in 1990; 16 of the 44 wrestlers and managers on that show have died. Only, Mr. Fuji (and maybe Dusty Rhodes) can be said to have lived a long life among that group.
Add in the extreme drug problems, sexism and various other horrifying scandals that have plagued the industry throughout its inception, and they still have a long, long way to go before they can truly consider themselves a product that’s fun and suitable for the entire family.