10 Biggest Lies In Wrestling
4. _______ Killed WCW!
The death of WCW can not be blamed on one person, but retrospectives and talking heads so often try to do so.
You can’t point the finger directly at Eric Bischoff. After all, the man practically saved the company at one point, and made them into a massive money producer. You can’t lay all the blame on Vince Russo, as he was handed a program that was already on a massive downslope, filled with a roster full of talent who was unwilling to cooperate. You can’t even accuse Jamie Kellner, the man who officially sealed WCW’s fate by cancelling Nitro and Thunder, as the murderer. It was a mix of all of them (and so many more) that led to its demise.
Imagine you were Kellner for a moment (you'll never have to do it again, just try for 30 seconds), and you’re heading up a network with a show losing tens of millions of dollars. The show in question is taking up five hours of airtime every single week, and it's drawing less than half of what it was two years earlier. Would you have kept it on? Would you have sold it to Eric Bischoff, in hopes that he suddenly learned all his lessons and could make the program relevant again? Or would you just try to get rid of it as soon as possible?
Now had Nitro still being drawing at least a 4.0, Kellner would have been insane to have got rid of WCW, but the data he had been given showed that the company had been in a dramatically steep decline for the past couple years. A death spiral if you will. If a handful of terrible bookers and lazy, overpaid wrestlers hadn’t brought the company to that point, then he would have had no reason to have signed off on its cancellation. So if we were to jail the murderers of WCW, we’re locking up at least 50 people for the crime.