10 Biggest Moments In WWE Smackdown History

1. The Smackdown Iron Men - 2003

Whereas WWE may feel that putting Brock Lesnar and The Big Show together makes for magic, it cannot be denied that special things happened anytime Lesnar and Kurt Angle were in immediate vicinity of one another. An entire list could be written detailing the best moments from such an intoxicating rivalry, but one of the biggest and most fondly-remembered took place on the September 18, 2003 edition of Smackdown. The reigning WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar went into this one sneering at the thought of being bested over 60 minutes by Angle, which had most fans firmly in the Olympic Gold Medal winner, Angle's corner. The stage was set for one of the best pure wrestling matches to ever take place on WWE television, and neither man was about to disappoint. As far as endings to Ironman matches go, this one is perfect, and a classic example of how to build tension and leave fans wanting more. Wrestling is a true art form, when done right, and both Lesnar and Angle proved a credit to their craft by piecing together this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1hj2XmLSwg What are your favourite WWE Smackdown moments? Do you feel the company can create more magic by refocusing the show and looking to eliminate the 'B' show stigma attached to the blue brand over the past few years? Let us know in the comments below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.