10 Biggest Moments In WWE Smackdown History

8. CM Punk Banishes Jeff Hardy - 2009

It's been said that art imitates real life, but the feud between CM Punk and Jeff Hardy is definitely one example where it was the other way around. It's fair to imagine that both men probably never saw eye-to-eye, but there would have been a mutual respect for the other man's ability. Jeff Hardy had finally become a bonafide WWE headliner in 2008, but his personal problems were mounting up, and as the Summer of 2009 was drawing to a close, it looked like he'd be taking another sabbatical from the company, if not leaving altogether. Enter the preaching gimmick of the 'Straight Edge Saviour' CM Punk, freshly turned heel for the purpose of this rivalry, and quickly establishing himself as one of the better villains on the roster. Punk was the perfect foil for Hardy, and the pair constructed several great matches, including a memorable cage match on the August 28, 2009 edition of Smackdown, Hardy's last WWE appearance to date. Winning this one cemented Punk as a top-line heel, and it's well worth checking out, or even revisiting, if you get the chance.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.