10 Biggest Moments In WWE Smackdown History

6. The Next Big Ring - 2003

By 2003, Smackdown had established itself as a vital part of WWE's weekly output. With the brand extension in full swing, both Raw and Smackdown had separate rosters, titles and contrasting identities. Interestingly, even within the same company, there was competition between both shows to be better than the other, leading to moments exactly like this one. It seems that in wrestling, some guys are viewed by the promotion as a perfect match for one another, something true of The Big Show and Brock Lesnar, who have routinely been placed in angles and matches together. During this particular showdown, it was deemed that the match needed something special to have fans talking, and have them begging to tune in the following week. What followed was the biggest Superplex in WWE history, causing the ring to collapse. Obviously, the structure had been set-up to dismantle upon impact, but it was still a visually stunning moment, one nobody expected. The fans around ringside promptly went bananas, giving the end of the show an exciting feel.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.