10 Biggest Moments In WWE Smackdown History

5. Who's That Jumping Out The Sky (Rey Mysterio's Debut) - 2002

Typically, even though there have been numerous examples to the contrary, WWE is viewed as a 'big man' promotion, largely due to Vince McMahon's fascination with huge, muscled-up performers. Every now and then, a wrestler comes down the pipe who manages to buck that trend. We're seeing it now with guys like Daniel Bryan, and we witnessed it when Rey Mysterio burst onto the WWE scene in 2002. In July of that year, the masked man made his way to Smackdown for a match with Chavo Guerrero. The bout was designed to be a showcase of what Mysterio could do, with WWE hoping he'd be the man to rejuvenate the ailing Cruiserweight scene in the company. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-pK50Y9gdo Incredibly, such was the spectacular nature of Rey's performance, and fan reaction towards him, that the diminutive grappler quickly outgrew the Cruiser scene, rapidly rising up the card and becoming a larger part of the main event mix. Mysterio may not be quite as prolific as he once was, but he leaves behind him a body of work which is second-to-none, and can be proud of himself for how he handled his WWE debut.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.