10 Biggest Moments In WWE Smackdown History

3. Hulkamania vs. The Next Big Thing - 2003

The phrase "Hulkamania Lives Forever" may simply be a marketing slogan, but there does seem to be some element of truth to it. Many fans felt Hulk Hogan was done once WCW folded, but one of wrestling's biggest stars defied critics to have a fruitful run in WWE throughout 2002. Allegations (often justified) have been lobbied towards Hogan that he's only ever out for himself, and is one of the most clever politicians in the wrestling industry. That may be so, but nobody can claim he did anything other than what was best for the promotion during his feuds against Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar just months after he'd returned to the company with which he made his name. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiuCouxGn8I The Smackdown war with Lesnar, particularly, is the best example of this. It was clear that Vince McMahon felt Lesnar was the future of the industry, and Hogan did everything in his power during their match to put him over. One of the most powerful visuals in WWE history is Brock standing over a bloodied Hogan, in what is considered a true passing of the torch.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.