10 Biggest Oversellers In Wrestling

2. Ric Flair

During episodes of his podcast, 'Woo Nation', Ric Flair can commonly be found giggling as he talks about the lack of offensive moves he had in his arsenal. Flair's main role during matches was to sell for his opponents and put them over as the better man in a fair fight. Then, if the situation called for it, he'd somehow find a way to incorporate cheating into his wins. Otherwise, the 'Nature Boy' could be seen begging off of those he shared the ring with. This would usually be followed up by a well-placed thumb to the eye, again lending well to his heel persona. Flair had no problem soaking up shedloads of punishment from other wrestlers, and would take quite the beating more often than not. He's infamous for his exaggerated 'Flair Flop', a GIF of which can be viewed in the introduction to this piece. After being on the receiving end of a barrage of strikes from foes, Ric would stumble out of the corner and fall flat on his face in comedic fashion. His selling when his trademark Figure Four hold was reversed must also be considered over-the-top, but it was energetic and came across well.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.