10 Biggest Secret GENIUSES In Modern Wrestling

7. PCO

Danhausen AEW

Most wrestling fans at some point dip in and out of the business, and on returning after a hiatus, it can be funny to see how things have changed. This has rarely been exemplified better than a hypothetical fan of mid-90s WWE checking out the indie scene two decades later to see Quebecer Pierre transformed into a wrestling Frankenstein’s monster.

As a last roll of the dice in a solid if unexceptional career, PCO is something special. Journeyman Pierre Ouellet had enjoyed a WWE heyday, but had chugged along until he came up with the idea of becoming a violent, reanimated corpse with designs on winning the Ring Of Honor World Title.

The gothic gimmick sounds like something out of WCW’s worst days, but in Ouellet’s hands, it works. You can see the thought he’s put into the character, wrestling a stiff, aggressive style that reflects the lack of panache a corpse probably would have.

It’s a character built for ROH and Impact, where PCO plies his trade. He stands out from the crowd, a silly but perfectly realised character with whom you know you’re in for a good time.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)