10 Biggest Secret GENIUSES In Modern Wrestling

8. Toni Storm

Danhausen AEW

If Toni Storm’s acquisition by AEW wasn’t quite the coup it should have been, that isn’t for lack of trying on her part. The Australian may only be 27, but she’s already a veteran talent, possibly the most gifted in-ring performer in the division, and someone a roster can be built around going forward.

Even for the uninitiated, Storm is clearly a rockstar the moment you lay eyes on her. From the attitudinal intro to the steely gaze in her eyes, she carries herself with an old school swagger, a serious persona in a division that isn’t taken nearly seriously enough.

Once the bell rings, she can work wonders with anybody, from longtime rivals like Jamie Hayter to up and comers like Sky Blue. Most women who tangle with Storm will come out the other side having had one of their best matches.

She has been the victim of bad timing thus far, becoming champion during the interim period then losing it to a red hot Hayter, and now stuck in the effective but somewhat repetitive Homegrown vs Outcasts story. There’s no doubt, though, that Storm is the present and future.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)