10 Biggest Swerves WWE Ever Pulled At The Royal Rumble

8. Kofi Kingston Creatively Sets The Tone For His Rumble Career (2012)

vince mcmahon royal rumble 1999

Despite appearing in a number of Royal Rumble contests beforehand, it was during the 2012 edition of the annual multi-man match when Kofi Kingston decided to make the bout his own.

After The Miz had hurled the hyper athletic star over the top rope and drop-kicked him off the apron, it looked like Kingston was set for an early shower. However, in a completely unexpected sequence, Kingston refused to admit defeat when his legs were flung into the air with only his hands on the floor to support him. Instead, the creative performer began to walk on his hands, shuffling back towards the steps before planting his feet on safer steel.

As the rules clearly state, both feet must touch the ground in order for a wrestler to be eliminated from the match and this initial swerve paved the way for a consistent yearly highlight when it comes to the showpiece event. In the Rumbles since this memorable handstand, we've seen Kingston use a chair as a pogo stick, run across the barricade and jump to safety, and even have his skin saved by a stack of pancakes.

Only time will tell what level of craziness the New Day member will have in store for 2021.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...