10 Biggest Swerves WWE Ever Pulled At The Royal Rumble

7. Only One Foot Touched The Ground! (1995)

vince mcmahon royal rumble 1999

Kicking off the 1995 Royal Rumble as the number one and two entrants, few fans honestly believed that Shawn Michaels or the British Bulldog had any chance when it came to winning the whole 30-man affair. Up until that point, only one person had won the match from a number lower than 13 and that was Ric Flair (entering at number 3) in 1993. But, against all the odds, both men made it to the final two in the shortest iteration of the bout.

However, that wasn't the biggest shock on the night. That came soon after 'HBK' was sent flying over the top rope by Davey Boy Smith in what appeared to be the conclusion of the bout. Whilst Bulldog obliviously celebrated after seemingly surviving the entire match and guaranteeing himself a spot in the WrestleMania main event, Michaels was seen clinging on for dear life. It was soon revealed that only one of his feet had hit the ground, paving the way for a stunning comeback which would see him knock his fellow match-starter off the top rope for the victory.

These saves may be about as common as a pointless Goldberg title shot today, but back then this swerve melted the brains of everyone in attendance and those watching at home.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...