10 Biggest WCW Botches Ever

10. Michael Modest vs. Christopher Daniels (1/23/2001 - WCW Monday Nitro)

Gif 250x180 6ec8ac Gif By 2001, WCW was literally three months away from being sold, but that still didn't mean that the cruiserweight action in the company was any less groundbreaking. In fact, the highspots in the division, be they Shane Helms' "Vertebreaker," Elix Skipper's "Play of the Day," Mike Sanders' "3.0," Kid Romeo's "Last Kiss" or anything Three Count and the Jung Dragons did in six-man competition was pretty much next-level. Thus, when longtime indy stalwarts Michael Modest and Christopher Daniels wrestled each other on Monday Nitro, the match had to be nothing short of mind-blowing in order for the two to get signed by the company to full-time contracts. That being said, of course Daniels slipped on a springboard moonsault and concussed himself by falling on his head. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5yl35_christopher-daniels-vs-michael-mode_sport Of course, Scott Steiner hit the ring after their match to get over his "crazy man breaking people's ankles with a lead pipe" angle. Oh, WCW.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.