10 Biggest Winners From Ultima Lucha

4. Pentagon, Jr.

ultima lucha
El Rey Network

I'm not sure what I was expecting in this Ciero Miedo match between Pentagon, Jr. and Vampiro, but holy crap was this violent. 

It started out with a brawl into the crowd that ended with Pentagon doing an AA onto the fairly immobile Vampiro on exposed concrete. As Pentagon repeatedly beat him with chairs the ref did the super serious 'X' sign and it looked like this was over.

After a commercial break, Vampiro made his way back to the ring to the delight of the crowd. At this point, things went brutal. I won't recap it all, but they liberally used thumbtacks, light tubes, and even a flaming table for a finish that had Vampiro rolling away from the dudes with the fire extinguishers to help put him out.

Pentagon, Jr. pinned Vampiro after the flaming table spot. This was fun to watch because I wasn't anticipating what I saw. I will concede that the occasional shots to the freaked out small children in the audience took away slightly from the enjoyment. Poor children.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.