10 Biggest WrestleMania Upsets

9. Rey Mysterio Defeats Kurt Angle & Randy Orton - WrestleMania 22

This admittedly wasn't the most earth-shattering of upsets, especially when the surrounding context is taken into account. It made perfect sense for Rey, a fellow Latino and close friend of the recently deceased Eddie Guerrero, to capture the World Heavyweight Championship on the biggest stage of them all. His status as arguably the least-turnable babyface on the roster and winner of the 2006 Royal Rumble (after entering at number two, no less) only solidifies the certainty of his victory. In a wider sense, however, this match is perhaps the archetypal upset. A World Championship reign for a man of Mysterio's stature was widely regarded as unrealistic - a claim which seems rather ridiculous in the wacky world of professional wrestling. Although the tragic circumstances preceding Rey's grandest moment are often seen as the sole reason for his triumph, it only seems fair that a man of his talent and professionalism should be afforded a place in the history books with a major title to his name - especially when countless less-talented workers have ascended to the top simply due to their size. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4o5op_wrestlemania-22-kurt-angle-vs-rey-m_news
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.