10 Biggest WWE Attitude Era Controversies

1. Owen Hart Tragically Dies During Pay-Per-View

It's still one of the most sensitive talking points in WWF/WWE history, and one of the most controversial nights to ever take place in the name of professional wrestling. When Owen Hart plummeted to his death from the top of the Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri on May 23rd, 1999, the entire wrestling world was left shocked and saddened. Reading Bret Hart's words in his autobiography on how he found out about the passing of his brother is especially harrowing. On a flight when he was told the news, it must have been hell for Bret to sit and ponder what had happened to his younger brother. There would have been understandable anger towards Vince McMahon and the WWF for allowing this to happen, but the over-riding feeling must have been one of shock. An equipment failure caused Owen's death. Set to rappel from the rafters of the arena into the ring, the safety harness failed, and the man fell from his lofty perch, striking the ring ropes with his chest and subsequently laying prone in the ring. On his way to hospital, Owen Hart died, and Vince McMahon's decision to continue with the Over The Edge Pay-Per-View is still one of the most controversial choices in WWF/WWE's rich history. What other controversial moments which happened during the 'Attitude Era' can you think of? What are your thoughts on the ones included in this list? Let us know down in the comments section below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.