10 Biggest WWE Changes Since Seth Rollins Went Out Injured

1. Sheamus' New Opportunities

Out of all the people to benefit from changes made after the Rollins injury, Sheamus has to be the luckiest wrestler. He's now the WWE Champion, a main eventer, a guy who shot from mid-card obscurity to the top spot in the company. When Rollins went out injured, Vince McMahon had to find a heel who could fill the spot. Sheamus was seen as that man, because he's genuinely hated. That's the best foil someone like Roman Reigns could ask for, meaning that the change in some ways has been a positive. Fans are now desperate to see Reigns become champion, solely because they can't stand to see the Irishman with the belt. Whether you are smart enough to realise it or not, Sheamus was the best choice to become WWE Champion.
WWE Writer

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