If you enjoy entertaining programs that display even a smidgen of consistency, it might be that WWE is not for you. Most television shows make it relatively easy for you to pick up where you left off after missing a season or two, and going back to catch up on what was missed is an enjoyable ride. That's definitely not the case with WWE. With a lot of casual wrestling fans tuning into WWE programming in the lead-up to WrestleMania 32, chances are those who haven't been keeping up with happenings over the past twelve months haven't got the slightest idea what in the hell is going on. It's understandable, considering most of those following the action closely have hardly any idea either. WWE is no stranger to making drastic changes between each years 'Mania, but the landscape of the entire company has shifted more so than ever before in the last year as a result of various booking decisions, injuries, company directives and the individual actions of WWE employees. The difference between the product now and one year ago is so stark that WWE programming is almost completely unrecognisable to what it was back then. Whether that is a good or bad thing is in the eye of the beholder. Approaching WrestleMania 32, very few wrestlers have maintained their position from this time last year, and even bigger changes have occurred within the company beyond those that effect any one wrestler or team. These are the 10 biggest changes in WWE since WrestleMania 31.
Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden