10 Biggest WWE Creative Mistakes Of 2020 (So Far)

1. ‘The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever’

Goldberg Universal Champion

Can you imagine having the gall to promote a wrestling match as the ‘Greatest Wrestling Match Ever’?

It doesn't matter which wrestlers are in the match, it’s never going to deliver and puts the performers in an impossible situation.

It immediately became a joke amongst fans when the tagline was first used and forced Edge, Randy Orton and WWE to almost lean into the absurdity of it in the weeks leading up to the match, although prior to this the two had been involved in a serious, bitter feud.

Despite the ridiculousness surrounding the promotion of the match, there was a morbid curiosity amongst fans to see what would happen when the two men squared off at Backlash.

To be fair, the match that Orton and Edge put together was excellent. But what wasn’t so great was the production of the match, with fake crowd noise and nonsensical camera shots only serving as a distraction throughout.

If you removed the ‘Greatest Wrestling Match Ever’ tagline and the over-produced effects, Edge vs. Orton would probably be regarded as one of the best matches of 2020 so far. However, yet again, WWE’s creative booking hindered rather than helped their performers, something that is becoming far too common in modern day WWE.


Have there been any other creative mistakes in WWE this year that have drove you mad? Let us know about them in the comments below.

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Freelance journalist and serial moaner, obsessed with the ludicrous world of professional wrestling.