10 Biggest WWE Maniacs Of All Time

8. Bray Wyatt

In truth, much of Wyatt's story has yet to be written, but he makes this list for his ability on the mic and in the ring to make the fans believe his character. In many respects, getting a maniac character over as believable is more difficult now than years previously. The WWE makes it no secret that their performers are playing the role of characters, so to be perceived as more than just playing a role is accomplishment. In fact, the ability to make fans question just where the line of reality is and where the line of entertainment is, can be credited as a major accomplishment. The realism that Bray Wyatt brings to the table is what gets a response from the crowd and his elaborate promos about the direction of society have been some of the most entertaining segments on Raw in the past few years. Specifically, the promo he did when the choir sang to John Cena was extremely effective. Hopefully, Wyatt continues to get TV time so that he can continue to evolve as a competitor.
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Jim Lamotta hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.