10 Biggest WWE Maniacs Of All Time

7. Abdullah The Butcher

Some of the names on this list were known for their elaborate promos, but "The Madman from the Sudan" makes the list after five decades of bloody battles and scars. In reality, Larry Shreve was a Canadian Judo practitioner that basically used The Original Sheik's gimmick, but with such a unique appearance, Abdullah quite literally carved a legacy around the globe. He wrestled in different territories in the United States during the 60s before taking his career to the next level when he debuted in All Japan Pro Wrestling in the earlier 1970s. Abby was wild and he would use anything he could get his hand on during a contest. He appeared untamed and despite his notorious reputation today, he must get credit for his ability to project realism during many of the bouts during the peak of his career. The Butcher terrified audiences around the world and when he staggered toward the audience during a bloody brawl with an opponent, the crowd scattered. Now retired, Abdullah was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2011, but after a highly publicized court case earlier this year, Sherve was found to be responsible for exposing an opponent to hepatitis C during a match and ordered to pay for damages. Despite the negligence toward the end of his career, The Butcher makes the list for a career that saw him spill blood all over the globe for decades.
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Jim Lamotta hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.