10 Bizarre WWE Coincidences That Really Happened

8. Every Decade, WrestleMania Gifts Their Best Technical Wrestler Two Opponents

Kurt Angle Arrow 3

Every WrestleMania ending in a zero has seen WWE’s best technical wrestler fight two different opponents & win overall in the main event for a world championship (this'll make sense soon, promise).

At WrestleMania X, Bret Hart lost to his brother Owen in the opening bout, but would then come out to beat Yokozuna for the WWF Championship in the main event of the night. At WrestleMania XX, the main event saw Chris Benoit toppling both Shawn Michaels & Triple H to win the World Heavyweight Championship. Finally, at WrestleMania XXX, Daniel Bryan also wrestled in the opener of the night against Triple H, with the stipulation that the winner would be inserted into the WWE World Heavyweight Championship main event match. Bryan beat Triple H, and would later tap out Batista with Randy Orton on the outside to win in that main event.

There’s no real easy way to say it, but every decade WrestleMania has seen the best wrestler beat out two guys in the same night, always ending with a main event win for a world championship.

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Kurt Angle
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