10 Bizarre WWE Experiments You Totally Don't Remember

7. Kevin Owens: Face Of America

The Usos SmackDown Prison Bars

WWE made a proper pig's ear of the Chris Jericho vs Kevin Owens feud in 2017. After running Raw for most of the latter half of 2016, the best friends split up in heart-breaking fashion when Owens smashed Y2J's head through a TV screen.

What should have happened next was a match at WrestleMania 33 for Owens' Universal Championship. However, Goldberg was available, so WWE shunted the world title onto him and had Owens fight Jericho over his US belt instead.

Owens won an underwhelming match that Vince McMahon was famously "not cool" with and embarked on his first reign as United States Champion.

With a new championship came a new personality for KO - the New Face of America. What on Earth does that mean? To be honest, nobody knows.

Owens would come out wearing a suit, hair and beard trimmed, and would rag on the United States with every jingoistic cliche in the book.

Because God is real, this character came and went very quickly. Owens just didn't fit it at all - the clothes, the USA bashing, none of it.

You could tell he thought so too. He was dead behind the eyes pretty much every week.

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The Usos
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.