10 Most Blatantly Obvious Blade Jobs In Wrestling History

8. Chris Jericho - No Way Out 2008

There are two parts to every blade job: pulling the blade, and making the cut. In order for a blade job to be successful, both parts must be completed discreetly (i.e. not in plain view of the camera). During his Elimination Chamber match at 2008€™s No Way Out Pay-Per-View, Chris Jericho did an excellent job of keeping the cut off-camera. Pulling the blade, however, could not have been more obvious. Three minutes in to the above video, Jericho hits JBL with the codebreaker and eliminates him from the match. Immediately after, he sticks out his left hand and has a razor placed in it by the referee in plain view of the camera. Come on Chris, that was the one thing you weren't supposed to do. The razor comes in handy a few minutes later when an irate JBL grabs a chair and lays waste to everyone in the ring, cracking Jericho right in the skull. The next time we see the €œAyatollah of Rock and Rolla€ (at 4:38), he has a nice cut across his forehead. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4g4ie_no-way-out-2008-elimination-chamber_sport Sure, the referee is partially responsible for this one, but Jericho still shoulders most of the blame. He has a reputation for being outspoken and could have easily said, €œThe camera is right there, you idiot!€ and waved the ref away. He chose not to and, thus, earns a spot on our list.

Yes, my last name is pronounced exactly as it's spelled. Just like "going to the store". ;) I am an aspiring writer currently working on my first novel, which is GOING to be awesome once it's published. (See what I did there?) I love reading, am a HUGE film buff (who welcomes all trivia challenges), and never miss a New York Giants football game. I'm an open book so if there is anything else you'd like to know about me, just ask.