10 Most Blatantly Obvious Blade Jobs In Wrestling History

6. Triple H

Here's another example of an obvious blade job resulting from a wrestler blading before the head shot as opposed to after. The above video is a Triple Threat match between Triple H, Edge and John Cena at Backlash 2006. At 17:20, Edge goes outside the ring to attack Triple H, who suspiciously has his right hand clenched into a fist (hiding a blade there, Paul?). At 17:33, we can see Triple H wipe his hair from his forehead, exposing plenty of skin for him to slice, before making the cut at 17:38 not only in plain view of the camera, but also of the fans standing directly above him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-pVjarJXEY They're right there, Trip. Standing over you. Looking right at you! Don't make the cut right in front of them. To make matters worse, he appears to cut a blood vessel, resulting in blood pouring from his head before he even hits the ring post. An obvious blade job? Yes. But the sight of a blood-soaked "Game" locked into Cena's STF (at 21:40) is still a hauntingly awesome visual.

Yes, my last name is pronounced exactly as it's spelled. Just like "going to the store". ;) I am an aspiring writer currently working on my first novel, which is GOING to be awesome once it's published. (See what I did there?) I love reading, am a HUGE film buff (who welcomes all trivia challenges), and never miss a New York Giants football game. I'm an open book so if there is anything else you'd like to know about me, just ask.