10 Bloodiest Wrestling Matches Ever Broadcast

9. TNA Sacrifice 2007: Chris Harris vs. James Storm

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gYFOHG1Wkg America€™s Most Wanted are, I believe, still rated as TNA€™s most decorated tag team, having won the NWA version of the TNA World Tag Team Championships a record six times. They were together for four and a half years, which made their split in December 2006 worth some proper money€ sadly, as usual with TNA they didn€™t capitalise on what could have been. This, however, lives up to the potential. It€™s a Texas Death Match: a Last Man Standing match that requires a pin or a submission to kick off a ten count. Yes, that€™s as silly as it sounds: clearly if one guy has pinned or submitted the other, the guy on top isn€™t likely to have much trouble getting up. At any rate, both men wrestle in their street clothes, the universal signifier that this is going to be a fight rather than a wrestling match. On this occasion, they€™re right: both €˜Cowboy€™ James Storm and €˜Wildcat€™ Chris Harris commit to the drama of the feud between two former partners and blood brothers, giving this a big match feel in the middle of the card. All the usual street fight gimmicks come into play - fighting in the crowd, handcuffs, chairs, tables and, of course, AMW€™s trademark gimmicked beer bottles. Both men bleed heavily here: I believe Harris blades first, but around three minutes later he legitimately busts Storm open, wickedly smashing his face into the metal underside of the table set up in the centre of the ring. By the end, Harris and Storm have both donned the crimson mask€ well, the crimson vest, gloves and trousers too, probably.

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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.