10 Bloodiest Wrestling Matches Ever Broadcast

8. NJPW December 1992: The Great Muta vs. Hiroshi Hase II

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2yxfSRz-cw The grudge rematch to a bout a couple of years earlier, in which Hiroshi Hase bled like a haemophiliac in a bath full of pins. The earlier match is pretty phenomenal€ this one just edges it, for blood and for quality, and also historical significance. This is the match that inspired the €˜Muta scale€™: the measure, amongst smart wrestling fans, of blood displayed or lost by a wrestler during a match. Now, people often get confused: this is a scale with 1.0 Muta indicating the level of gore splashed out by the Great Muta in this match, and 0.0 indicating no blood loss at all. This doesn€™t mean that Muta/Hase II is the bloodiest match of all, simply that it provides a benchmark for blood in wrestling - there could easily be a match that rates a 2.3, for example. The quality of the wrestling on display here perfectly matches the sheer amount of blood spilled, and there€™s a great story being told - it€™s a benchmark for pro wrestling in many other ways aside from simple gore, and shows all these backyard garbage match purveyors the possibilities that exist when you don€™t simply go for the lazy option of undertrained, unfit men in street clothes in unsafe environments deliberately hitting each other in the head with improvised weapons.

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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.