10 Bloodiest Wrestling Matches Ever Broadcast

3. National Wrestling Federation, July 1987: Abdullah The Butcher vs. Bruiser Brody

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO5W2dOZdbc The two kings of territorial mauling would regularly tour the length and breadth of America during the 1980s, frightening thousands with their unhinged, crowd-pleasing antics. Abdullah The Butcher was the €˜Madman From The Sudan€™, not so much a wrestler as a boogeyman, biting and gnawing at his opponents as he busted them open with his trademark fork. Bruiser Brody was a giant maniac of a man, a force of nature, unpredictable and wild. These monsters would terrorise the territories separately for years, attacking the local promotions€™ local heroes: arriving, raising hell, and then leaving (to coin a phrase). In 1987, they toured together: instead of being the visiting holy terrors, these vicious mountains of men would appear on the card as opponents, to inexplicably attack one another. Blood would flow within minutes - within seconds. The rules of the ring would be forgotten. In many cases, this included the need to pin the other guy to win, as many of the matches they took part in would spill out into the crowd, staggering wildly all over the venue, their faces clenched in animalistic hatred, drenched in each other€™s blood... before suddenly dissipating into nothing, both men moving off in different directions again, the crowd heaving and buzzing for long minutes afterwards the double disqualification or double countout decision. The two would move around enough so that their limited act would never get stale, and the mere mention of their names would be enough to send chills down the spine. In a good way. Abdullah was already a two decade veteran of the circuit and would repeat the same act throughout his entire career to diminishing returns as the territories dwindled. Brody, unbeknownst to anyone, was on a clock. The following year he€™d be stabbed to death in the locker room of a show in Puerto Rico, allegedly murdered by a fellow wrestler.

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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.