10 Booking Steps For Kenny Omega's WWE Debut
5. The Champ Is Here

Omega versus Styles won't be the only dream match to take place at WrestleMania - we'll also get a bout almost 20 years in the making when John Cena defends the WWE Championship against the man alongside whom he broke into the sport, Samoa Joe.
Cena does some of his best work against monster heels, so the thought of a match with Joe is tantalizing. WWE can play off their history to spice up the program itself, while the actual bout will be another classic. Cena's resilience will make an interesting juxtaposition for Joe's hard-hitting style, leading to an epic bout in Orlando.
Even though Cena's record-tying title reign only began a couple of months earlier, he'll have to drop the title at WrestleMania - after all, he's set to film The Pact, a comedy set for release around the time of WrestleMania 34, and that'll take up a few months. That means that Joe walks out of WrestleMania with the WWE Championship, while Cena takes a break.