10 Booking Steps For The Rock vs Brock Lesnar At WrestleMania 32

9. The Rock 'n' Rousey Connection Take On The Authority

One of Wrestlemania 31's most talked-about moments was Ronda Rousey's first appearance in a WWE ring. She shone throughout, garnering massive crowd chants when Stephanie McMahon banished The Rock from the ring. The crowd quickly caught on to what was happening, and as The Rock beckoned her over the barricade and escorted her to the ring, the place went wild. Chants of 'Rousey's Gonna Kill You!' echoed around Levi's Stadium, and the UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion said more in just two lines of her promo than most people do in a whole segment. One headlock takedown and armbar later, and the WWE had found itself a potential new star. Though there's a fear that this will play into a match at Wrestlemania 32 (which would render this article entirely pointless, let's be honest), the rate in which the internet blew up last night means that this needs to happen whilst people are still going crazy over it. Summerslam is probably the best option, as it enables Rousey to fulfill her UFC commitments (UFC owner Dana White was tweeting during the segment, so it doesn't seem like this is any Monday Night War-like case of Rousey jumping ship and dropping her belt in a trash can). The Rock's return at Summerslam, combined with Rousey's WWE debut would likely smash all kinds of attendance and viewing records, and it could easily become the Mike Tyson/D-Generation X moment of the Reality Era. Storytelling wise, it's simple. The Rock and Triple H had one of the best rivalries of the Attitude Era, and you have them going at it in a mixed tag match. They both take a hell of a beating, with the idea being that Triple H doesn't tag in Stephanie because he knows that Rousey will destroy her. Every time The Rock goes to tag Rousey, Stephanie refuses to enter the ring, meaning Rock has to continue. Eventually, after a Rock Bottom that takes as much out of the Great One as it does the Cerebral Assassin, Hunter desperately tags in his wife and the referee commands that she gets in the ring. Rousey comes in and absolutely destroys Stephanie, in a nice flashback to Summerslam 2014 (UFC star squashes faithful company employee, sound familiar?), making her tap out in the middle of the ring. As The Rock holds her hand up in celebration, Rousey clatters him with a knockout punch, turning heel. Have her truly brutalise him; there's no reason why she wouldn't be able to, and given that The Rock will already be beat down, she could even give him a huge powerslam or suplex and it'd be entirely realistic. Bill her as the new Chyna or at least Beth Phoenix, as the Divas division really lacks a solid, powerhouse of a competitor right now.

Host of Keeping Up With The Kayfabe, Manchester United fan, and always looking for the WiFi password.