10 Booking Steps For The Rock vs Brock Lesnar At WrestleMania 32

8. Lesnar Returns At SummerSlam

As the post-Mania months roll on, have Seth Rollins weasel his way through WWE Championship matches with the likes of Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, and more. Every time, J&J Security can help him out, and a combination of dastardly tactics ensure that he's one of the most annoying champions in a long while. Without a contender just two weeks before Summerslam, Rollins stands in 'his' ring and openly mocks the locker room, while his stooges applaud him. Then and only then does Paul Heyman walk out and simply say; 'Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman, and after much consideration from the board of directors, it is my pleasure to announce that I am the advocate for the returning challenger for your WWE heavyweight championship of the world...BRRRRRRRROCK....LLLLLLLLLESNAR!' The place would explode, and the prospect of seeing Rollins finally get his comeuppance against the man that never actually got pinned for the title would be incredible. On the actual night, it's important that Rollins gets absolutely destroyed but still puts up a surprising display of strength, much like Reigns did at Wrestlemania. It can be through a disqualification, it can be through a count out, it can be through interference, or even through Lesnar losing sight of the title and simply pummelling Rollins into the ground as the ref's 5-count expires, Rollins needs to retain in the weakest way possible, as the WWE Universe braces itself for Brock Lesnar once more.

Host of Keeping Up With The Kayfabe, Manchester United fan, and always looking for the WiFi password.