10 Booking Steps For The Rock's WWE Return

2. He LOSES To Roman Reigns Clean At WrestleMania 38

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At WrestleMania 38, The Rock's pop will be monumental, as the Texas crowd will break their voices cheering him for his WrestleMania return. He should come out alone as well, refusing to utilise The Usos' help as he walks to the ring with a smile on his face as Roman stands isolated.

The atmosphere will be electric from the second both men face off in the ring, not touching, not emoting until the bell rings. For a minute, they shouldn't move, just take in the seismic atmosphere of the AT&T Stadium. Then, as soon as the crowd's roar starts to burn out a little, Roman should spear The Rock and completely destroy him.

It should be a brutal, unrelenting match. The Rock should take the majority of the offense, never looking fully comfortable against a champion as refined and cruel as his younger cousin.

He'll get the comeback spots, a few near falls with Rock Bottoms and People's Elbows, but he will lose. He will lose decisively and finally, as he says goodbye to the wrestling business forever. Roman won't raise his hand, he'll just leave the ring with silence, allowing his family to soak in the final cheers.


An autistic writer who just wants to make some money and have some fun talking about wrestling, movies and whatever else comes to mind.