10 Booking Steps For WWE Monday Night Raw (Oct 5)

8. 'King' Barrett Beats Neville & Stardust In Triple Threat

Noticeable by their absence on Raw were 'King' Barrett's robe, crown and scepter. His return prompted a modest reaction from the live audience, but it was still encouraging to see that WWE seem to have removed his altogether embarrassing wardrobe. Being the 'King Of The Ring' is fine, but Barrett doesn't need the literal royal garb to hammer home the point. Interfering in Neville's match with Stardust, Barrett stalked his victims and thumped them with 2 poignant Bull Hammer Elbows. There are high hopes that WWE will dispense with the 'King' nonsense and just let the Englishman be serious again. One thing the writing staff simply must do is establish him as a real threat once again, and there's an easy way to do that. By going over both Neville and Stardust in a Triple Threat Match, Barrett could then snatch the microphone and declare that a 'King' needs gold. Of course, this would be a reference to any of the title belts in WWE, but most likely either the Intercontinental or United States Titles. John Cena's 'US Open Challenge' could then be something to focus on for Wade.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.