10 Booking Steps For WWE Monday Night Raw (Oct 5)

7. Book Big E To Challenge For US Title

Over the past few weeks on Raw, there's been an upturn in fan reaction when Big E enters the ring. Firstly, ringsiders seemed excited to see him lock horns with Bubba Ray Dudley, and that was the exact same when he went nose-to-nose with John Cena on Raw. During the big 6-man tag bout, Big E looked well matched physically against Cena. That's something creative could capitalise on. Right now, Cena doesn't appear to have much in the way of a feud. The New Day are right in the middle of a rivalry opposite The Dudley Boyz, but there's no reason why Big E couldn't challenge Cena for the United States Title. Xavier Woods had a decent little match against Cena, and it makes sense that Big E and the US Champ could put together something exciting too. Depending on how the WWE Tag-Team Title match goes at 'Live From Madison Square Garden', Big E could be hungry for The New Day to reclaim some gold. Even if they do retain against The Dudley Boyz on the WWE Network special, heels should be greedy, if not also cocky. Big E vs. John Cena would be a decent addition to the Monday Night Raw lineup.
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WWE Raw Kane
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.