10 Booking Steps For WWE Raw (Feb 27)

7. Bayley Beats Dana Brooke

Seth Rollins

Dana Brooke has been brought back out of hiding over the past few weeks to interfere in Bayley's business with Charlotte Flair. At this point, it's fair to say that Dana is cannon fodder on the heel side of Raw's female division. There's every chance that will continue to be the case before Fastlane.

Backstage, it should be interested looks all round as both Charlotte and Sasha Banks watch on separate monitors; if WWE really want to hammer home Flair's pampered lifestyle, she should watch from a plush dressing room while Sasha slums it in a more basic locker room.

The match itself would be a fairly short one. There's no need to position Brooke as a massive hurdle for Bayley. The Raw Women's Champion is on a roll heading into Sunday's pay-per-view, generating momentum despite Stephanie McMahon's outlandish suggestion that she hand the title over on last week's broadcast.

As soon as this match finished, a horrified Banks would watch as Charlotte pounced on her opponent come Fastlane.


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