10 Booking Steps For WWE Raw (Feb 27)

6. Charlotte Injures Bayley's Leg

Seth Rollins

It makes perfect sense that Sasha Banks would run out to help her on screen friend against a sustained sneak attack by both Charlotte and Dana Brooke, but the story here relies on Flair getting the jump on both babyfaces before they have time to react at all.

Aping Sasha's own injury woes seems like a smart play, because a leg injury to Bayley gives the Fastlane title bout more context from the off. It would also have the added advantage of giving Bayley an excuse should she lose. It remains to be seen if WWE will continue Charlotte's unbeaten streak on pay-per-view - but there's every chance they will.

Repeated kicks to Bayley's leg in the corner from both Charlotte and Brooke could be followed by a Figure Eight. At this point, the usually inconsequential Dana needs to look more menacing, which is why she should smash Bayley's leg with a steel chair as her boss tightens the grip on her patented submission hold.

Before Banks can run out to stop this quick fire ambush, the vicious heels are already gone, disappearing through the live crowd.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.