10 Booking Steps For WWE Raw (Nov 23)

9. The Usos Win A #1 Contenders Tag Title Match

It seems like The Usos will be the next challengers for The New Day and the WWE Tag-Team Titles. On television, no match has been made pitting the teams against one another on Pay-Per-View, so it could be that TLC is the likely destination for that title showdown. Whatever the case, WWE need to get the ball rolling and strike while the iron is hot with the feud. Aside from a few matches involving other names, the rivalry hasn't really been kickstarted in memorable fashion. The Usos have just returned from a lengthy sabbatical, so more needs to be done before fans can properly accept that they deserve to be challenging for the belts. The New Day have been excellent as Tag-Team Champions, but they require strong opponents. On Raw, maybe a match could be set up dictating that if The Usos defeat members of The New Day, they will get a crack at the belts. If the company don't want to throw the title match away on TV, Jimmy and Jey could even win a multi-team bout against the likes of The Ascension, The Dudley Boyz and The Prime Time Players to become #1 Contenders for TLC.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.