10 Booking Steps For WWE Raw (Nov 23)

5. Kevin Owens Sneers That There's No Intercontinental Competition

Whilst Kevin Owens would be a fine addition to a WWE Title match at TLC, it should not be forgotten that he is also the WWE Intercontinental Champion. That particular belt deserves a feud heading into the show, something which could be kickstarted on Raw by having Owens complain about the lack of competition. Approaching Triple H backstage, Owens could be a typical heel suck-up. Complimenting 'The Game' on the job he's doing, KO could say that it's perhaps a good thing he wasn't announced for the Fatal-4-Way bout at TLC, because it'd be embarrassing for everyone else if he was both the WWE and Intercontinental Champion at the same time. Even so, he'd like a little more competition for the Intercontinental Title, because he's growing bored. Deflecting the remark, Triple H could say that he admires the man's confidence. However, he shouldn't get too cocky. Sure, he's the latest sensation on the scene right now, but there's always someone new coming up looking to make an impact. This would leave Owens confused, and hint that someone fresh was about to land on the main roster.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.