10 British Wrestlers WWE Should Sign

5. Will Ospreay

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2jLaiMiF9w#t=11m18s At just 22 years of age, Will Ospreay is making a big impression around the world already. Originally starting out at the London School of Lucha Libre, he debuted for their affiliated Lucha Britannia promotion under a mask as €˜Dark Britannico€™, the heel nemesis of top babyface Leon Britannico. Ospreay then formed a tag team with the more experienced Paul Robinson before branching out on his own, carving a niche as arguably the top high flyer based in the UK and drawing comparisons to Neville. Having appeared for promotions the length and breadth of the UK, he captured the Progress Wrestling title in London this summer to cement his spot as top babyface in the company. Ospreay has also started appearing in continental Europe and he made his US debut for PWG at the Battle of Los Angeles in August, where he wowed the audience, having been a complete unknown at the start of the weekend. The Wrestling Observer€™s own Dave Meltzer commented that Ospreay was the best wrestler with just three years€™ experience under his belt that he€™d seen anywhere in the world. Rumour has it that Konnan, who was in attendance at BOLA is interested in signing him to AAA in Mexico, but could Ospreay be on a path to emulate his compatriot, Neville?
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Dean Ayass is a well known name to British wrestling fans. A commentator, manager, booker and ring announcer who has been involved in the business since 1993, Dean's insight into the business is second to none.