10 British Wrestlers WWE Should Sign

4. Jimmy Havoc

Now in his 11th year as a pro, Jimmy Havoc€™s character has evolved over the past two years to the point that he is now the most terrifying and psychotic heel in the country. Originally a plucky underdog with a never say die attitude, Havoc would often find himself embroiled in bloody feuds and hardcore matches before gradually turning against the fans who supported him and becoming a dark and twisted soul. Excellent on the mic, there is nobody better than Havoc at getting a crowd to hate him and expressing a storyline through actions in the ring. Havoc is another product of NWA UK Hammerlock, having been trained by the late Andre Baker. Training with Havoc at the same time at Hammerlock were Zack Sabre Jr and Fergal Devitt, now known as Finn Balor. Havoc travelled to the US in August to spend time with his old pal Devitt, and eagle eyed viewers of NXT Takeover Brooklyn can spot him in the front row in the guests section, just a few seats away from Kevin Owens€™ wife and son. With good contacts inside the WWE and an ability to tell a story without words, Havoc could easily be following a similar path to former hardcore wrestler Dean Ambrose. Could Jimmy Havoc be signing an NXT deal in the near future?
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Dean Ayass is a well known name to British wrestling fans. A commentator, manager, booker and ring announcer who has been involved in the business since 1993, Dean's insight into the business is second to none.