WWE have always been committed to producing quality original content to supplement their weekly wrestling shows. They sat on Legends House for two years as they waited for WWE Network to launch, and Total Divas has been a surprise hit thats turned stars like The Bella Twins, Natalya and Eva Marie into household names. On top of that, they have a wealth of wrestling history documentaries and clipshows. WWE Rivalries, WrestleMania Rewind and The Monday Night War all dig into historic events and matches at the deepest level, and WWE Countdown is a ridiculously entertaining clip show that allows superstars and divas to have some fun reflecting on wrestlings weird and awesome history. Its still not enough though, and WWE could do so much more. YouTube shows like The JBL and Cole Show and Are You Serious? have proven massively popular and theres no reason why some of them couldnt be expanded upon to fit thirty minutes. Joey Styles has recently been lobbying for his YouTube show WWE Warehouse to get picked up by the Network, and its the sort of mix between nostalgia and history that many fans bought the Network for in the first place, so that sort of show would fit perfectly among the documentaries and reality shows.