10 Changes To Make WWE Smackdown's Thursday Move Successful

9. Make Smackdown The Wild West

A lot of what will be discussed here is about making Smackdown feel like a unique viewing experience, compared to Monday Night Raw. We already discussed not repeating matches, the next thing that needs to change is atmosphere. Max Landis, writer of the 2012 film Chronicle, the upcoming films American Ultra and Victor Frankenstein, and Writer/Director of the upcoming film Me Him Her, has compared Monday Night Raw to The Muppet Show, which is pretty much entirely accurate. Think about it, the show is about a group of wrestlers (muppets) trying to put on a show while chaos ensues behind the scenes, all for the viewing public to watch play out. It€™s funny, it€™s emotional, it€™s often violent, unfair, or unpleasant in the case of the WWE, but at the end of the day we€™re watching people trying to put on a show for our amusement. Smackdown should be different. If Raw is The Muppet Show/A Variety Show, then Smackdown should be something else entirely. For instance, what if Smackdown was a modern Western. A show where chaos and fear is the name of the game? A show where what you can achieve directly correlates to the firepower you have backing you up and the desire you have to take it. A show where anything goes and the only thing stopping you is the other people trying their best to do the exact same thing you are. That sounds like a must watch show, but how can Smackdown get this way?

Matthew J. Douglas is an emerging screenwriter born in Toronto. A lifelong fascination with what makes a compelling story and the Toni Morrison quote "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." led the often opinionated Matthew to the life of writer. Matthew is also a lifelong WWE fan, and a self diagnosed Reality TV Junkie.