10 Changes WWE Hoped You Wouldn’t Notice

5. They Wreck Their Own Brand Rules

lana liv morgan

"Wild Card Rules", the "Brand-To-Brand Invitational" etc etc.

Both of those crude inserts are supposed to enhance the brand split between Raw and SmackDown, but they never do. Why? Well, WWE stomp all over their own rules with a frightening lack of care. One minute, they're saying that performers can only appear on rival shows "four times per year". The next, that's ignored.

This is why few actually give a damn about the brand split in 2022. Such careless booking has been happening for years too; Vince's "Wild Card" nonsense was introduced back in 2019. It didn't make sense then, and it doesn't make sense now. WWE just want you to feign ignorance and play along under the guise of excitement.

Another problem is that neither rule is exciting anyway. They, along with Survivor Series (brand vs. brand warfare right after the Draft) ruin what should be an occasional novelty. WWE don't want fans talking about that though.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.