10 Changes WWE Hoped You Wouldn’t Notice

3. Emphasis On The Undertaker’s Streak

lana liv morgan

Retrospective video packages detail every win The Undertaker has scored at WrestleMania since his first at VII. That Jimmy Snuka win from 1991, they say, kickstarted the legend of "The Streak". It's been spoken about since then as a vital component of 'Mania's lore and 'Taker's career.

Except it hasn't. That's a fib.

WWE didn’t talk about The Undertaker's streak in-depth until ‘Mania 21 in 2005. They might've mentioned it in passing (one seems to recall a little 10-0 hype after he thumped Ric Flair in 2002), but there was never any attention paid to rivals "breaking the streak" before Randy Orton started harping on about it.

The promotion likes to pretend that it always acknowledged the winning run, which isn't true. Snuka, Jake Roberts, Giant Gonzalez, King Kong Bundy, Diesel, Sycho Sid, Kane, Big Boss Man, Triple H, Flair, Big Show and A-Train - none of those were part of the conversation.

That didn't start until 'Taker was approx half way through.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.