10 Changes WWE Hoped You Wouldn’t Notice

2. Roman Reigns’ Blue Contacts

lana liv morgan

Flash back through some of Roman Reigns' biggest moments from that first singles push in 2014-2015 and you might spot something odd. For some reason, WWE had Reigns wear blue contact lenses in his eyes. Was this to make him look "more heroic"? Or, was it something more uncomfortable?

Did...did they think that this would make him look...less Samoan? No, surely not. If so, why? That argument falls a little flat when one dives a little deeper, because WWE defo spoke about his heritage during that initial, relentless drive to present Roman as the greatest babyface people had ever witnessed.

It's so strange though, and it remains a mystery.

Reigns' eyes returned to their natural brown at some stage in 2016. WWE hadn't finished with their mega-push by then either, so it's really curious that they (or Roman) decided to ditch the contacts and go with the brown.

This has never been discussed on TV, by the way.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.