10 Cheesiest Music Videos In Wrestling History

8. Michael Hayes, "Badstreet, USA" (WCW)


Michael Hayes got into professional wrestling because he wanted desperately to be a rock star, but the closest he could get to singing was whispering aggressively. Keep that very basic failure in mind as you drink in the splendor that is "Badstreet, USA."

For those not in the know, Badstreet is the name of the theoretical rough neighborhood in Atlanta that the Fabulous Freebirds grew up in. It's like every other rough neighborhood you've ever heard of, but rougher, because the gangs there wear glittery confederate flag capes. In this video, it looks like the set of the goddamn Warriors, which might be overplaying the "rough neighborhood" hand just a tad. 

Also, Michael Hayes is a just a straight-up odd-looking dude. Even here, in his supposed prime, he looks like the leather daddy version of the gremlin from the Twilight Zone. That's better than his current look -- Twilight Zone Gremlin That Somehow Became One of the Original Kings of Comedy, for those keeping score -- but not by much. 

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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.