10 Cheesy WrestleMania Moments You Totally Don't Remember

9. Big Show Vs Akebono In A Sumo Match

Trish Stratus Wrestlemania Cheese
WWE Network

If you’re thankful that Big Show won’t be squaring off in a singles match against Shaq this year, you might not want to go back and watch his sumo wrestling bout against Akebono from WrestleMania 21.

Big Show is in great shape these days, having cut a lot of weight in order to stand toe to toe against the likes of Braun Strowman and Baron Corbin. 2005-era sumo thong Big Show was looking considerably worse for wear.

From entrances to finish, this entire novelty act took about eight minutes; eight minutes that could have been better spent on pretty much anything else. The two men eyed each other up, hugged for a few minutes, before Akebono dunked Big Show out of the ring.

As a competitive match, it really didn’t accomplish much, and it’s hard to imagine it fared much better as an attempt to rake in Japanese PPV buys.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.