Ah yes, the fabled leg drop. A simple medium strike in the hands of mortals, Hulk Hogan made it into the single best method of neutralizing monsters short of a swarm of bi-planes. Because there really wasn't much room in the budget to scramble the nearest airbase whenever he hulked up. If the big boot signalled the match was over, the leg drop was like the credits making it official. It would hit with such infallibly massive force, why, had Hogan been a more svelte man, surely it would have shorn a few poor saps' heads clean off and been banned. But in reality, if you were able to land that big boot (particularly one the size of Hogan's) on a running opponent, they would go down sufficiently hard. The results could range from a concussion to a broken jaw to multiple cranial entry wounds if you're on a golf course. Dropping a leg on them at this point would really just ensure that their face smells like your thigh until their next shower. While this is indeed a humiliating stratagem to deploy on a defeated foe, it won't end any fight that isn't already over. In a poetic twist of fate, doing this to a conscious opponent may actually cause them to hulk up. To top things off, most of the impact is on the one doing the dropping, resulting in long-term back problems and making most of your future bar/putting green fights atrocious to watch.
CKUT radio host, underground lyricist, Michael Myers scholar and all-around world-class opiner. Signature move: Irony Bomb. Blood type: chai. Never seen in the same place and time as Logic Johnson, former featured columnist for Bleacher Report.
Hopelessly unfamiliar with Yellow Submarine.