2. His Gay Equality Views... Conflicting With His Homophobic Slurs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKbNF3qjiKo "Making same sex marriage illegal is the same as having segregated drinking fountains," is what CM Punk had to say about equality on Twitter. So, how does he fit that statement in with this brash verbal attack he made on a WWE fan - "You have a vagina, you have a vagina, nice faux-hawk you homo!" Is there not some irony to the fact that Punk attempted to paint himself as a gay rights advocate... only to then use the term 'homo' in a derogatory way? The implication Punk made to that fan was that being a 'homo' was to be less than a man. He associated "having a vagina" with being a "homo." It's another example of Punk's double standards. He wants to be the guy saying one thing and telling others how to live, but then he lives his own life by entirely different standards. The perpetuation of 'gay' or 'homo' as a negative term is one of the most harmful things to the gay rights movement. You might argue that Punk was in character when he used the gay slur, but that's no defence. Explicit language that disenfranchises gay people is wrong in any context. Plus, he clearly wasn't getting heat - he was genuinely p****d off and having a go at this guy. It was a Kanye West style moment.