10 CM Punk Ironies He Doesn't Want You To Realise

5. Those Same Fans Outside His Building? They Put Him In The Building!

One of Punk's gripes since leaving WWE, has been the way fans try to catch a glimpse of him outside his penthouse. There's an initial irony here. Punk claims to proudly represent Chicago, so can he not make some time for the city residents who pop down for autographs? You might argue that Punk owes these fans nothing. But there's a certain issue of scrooge-ism here. Those passionate fans are the people who bought his merchandise, bought his DVD and called his name in arenas. In a round-about way, those fans are the reason he's sat in a palatial penthouse. For him to be so bitter about having a fanbase, when he has such riches off the back of them, is a little disheartening. And anyway, it isn't a big deal if there's fans outside your house when the house in question is a fortified millionaire pad. Autograph hunters camping outside a famous person's residence is just a norm of celebrity, something famous people just accept as a by-product of their success. Most celebrities don't complain about it. When you're filthy rich, it isn't really something to moan about. Punk can't help himself though. His former girlfriend, Natalie Slater, complained on behalf of him that he can't leave his house to take out the trash without getting asked for photos and autographs. Well, here's an idea, maybe sign a few? Maybe take a few snaps for all of 30 seconds?
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.